Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Attending Prayer Meetings, Part 4 - Their Purpose

In this short chapter, Beeke offers 15 purposes that corporate prayer meetings serve. For the sake of brevity, I am only going to highlight some of the ones that stuck out to me, as many of those listed by Beeke could also be listed as 'benefits' of attending a regular corporate church service on Sunday (e.g. fellowship, accountability, etc.).

1. Intentionally gathering together to pray guarantees that Christians engage is this essential means of grace Christ has given His church. On Sundays, we gather to hear the Word proclaimed together, to sing together, and to enjoy Christian 'fellowship.' However, praying for one another is a rarity on Sundays. This is the beauty of the midweek prayer meeting.

2. Praying together is often the means God uses to initiate or increase revival.

3. Praying together provides an important spiritual oasis in a busy week.

4. Praying together increases unity in the church. As Peter Masters put it:
In the prayer gathering, preoccupation with ourselves as individual believers slips away, and we become a group of people longing for the blessing of others, and for the prosperity of the cause. In the prayer gathering we are refined and honed as a united body of people. It cements unions, and promotes respect. To adopt a well-worn phrase, the church that prays together, stays together.
5. Praying together utilizes the spiritual life of the church for the good of all the church's ministries.

6. Praying together increases the Christ-centeredness of believers. If Christ is the answer to all of our prayers, then as we pray together, we point one another to the King of Glory, in whose Name we pray together.

7. Praying together is the best way to teach Christians how to pray. Masters wisely writes,
Believers grow in the gift of prayer as they hear others pray. They learn to appreciate specificity in prayer, passionate pleading, Christ-centered wrestling, and fresh modes of expression. Iron sharpens iron. Young believers learn from older ones, and older believers are encouraged by the sincere petitions of the younger.
8. Praying together enhances private prayer.

For these reasons and many others may we seek to gather together as churches to pray to our great and glorious prayer-answering God.

In Christ's Name, and for His glory through His [praying] church,
Pastor Ryan

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