Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Praying for Conversions

As we continue through Paul's prayers, we will consider one single verse found in the tenth chapter of his letter to the Christians in Rome:
"Brothers and sisters, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved." (v.1)
When God saves His people out of their various contexts, He often leaves them with a burden for those very people whom they were called "out of."

  • For Paul, that meant that he had a 'sweet spot' in his heart for his fellow country-men, the Jews. 
  • For us today, this might look like a Christian praying for their family members who have yet to submit to Christ's lordship. Or, it could mean praying for their particular country where they were born. It may even mean praying for a religious cult or denomination out of which they were graciously rescued by the gospel.

Tonight, as we pray together as a church, let us ask God for such a "heart" (Greek: kardia) that strongly desires for the "good will" (Greek: eudokia [translated as "desire") of those who are near and dear to us. Too often, we as Christians can grow cold in our desire to see others converted to Jesus. May this not be true of us. If it is, let us pray for God to not only thaw our frozen hearts, but to warm them with evangelistic zeal for Christ!

Let us pray that this God-granted desire for the eternal well-being of others would be turned into fervent and unceasing prayers to God to do what only He can do: save lost sinners. In the Greek "my" (teis emeis) in emphatic; let us pray that we (not merely "others" in the church) would pray regularly for the lost around us to be converted.

Let us remember that "salvation" comes only through the gospel (cf. 10:5-17; 1:16-17), and pray that God would send somebody - even us! - to proclaim and embody the good news of God in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

As we gather together to beseech our gracious God who loves to hear and answer the prayers of His children, let us remember to pray for many conversions and baptisms at GCC this year. Let us pray that His kingdom come, and that His great Name be glorified as sinners come to a saving faith in the living Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Soli Deo Gloria!!

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